
Welcome to the Resources page, where my students will be able to download the sheet music used in our lessons.

To access the resources, please click the link below and enter the password when prompted to be taken to the Google Drive folder.


What's included

For each piece, both the PDF and Guitar Pro Files are provided, accessible on the mobile and tablet versions of the Guitar Pro app. These are thankfully obtainable with a small one-off purchase and not a subscription, and although the apps are a little clunky, they are well worth it for students who prefer something interactive. The links to download the apps are below.



Finding Pieces

As Google Drive doesn't support searching shared links, the folder is organised like a filing cabinet, with a dedicated folder for each letter of the alphabet. I realise this is not ideal, so please do let me know if you have any trouble finding the piece. 

Below are some examples to help you out.

Pieces Sorted By Artist Name

Most pieces are sorted by composer name. 

For example, if you wanted to download 'In The Hall of the Mountain King' by Edvard Greig, you would click E > Edvard Greig_ARTIST > In The Hall of The Mountain King.

Pieces Sorted By Source (Movie/Show/Game)

A piece may also be sorted by its source, meaning the movie, TV show or video game from which it originated.

For example, althoug the Theme from Match of the Day was composed by Barry Stoller, it is located in M > Match of the Day_SHOW.

Pieces Without An Artist or Source

For pieces that have no composer or source, you would simply search for the piece title. 

For example, We Wish You A Merry Christmas would be located in W > We Wish You A Merry Christmas_TRADITIONAL.